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According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, a cataract is a dense, cloudy area that forms in the lens of the eye. A cataract begins when proteins in the eye form clumps that prevent the lens from sending clear images to the retina. The retina works by converting the light that comes through the lens… Read More
We have officially welcomed the Fall season, which includes cooler weather, yummy fall season treats, and maybe for some people, less time exercising. In a Gallup survey, Americans typically exercise more in the spring and summer and less in the fall and winter. However, it only takes 30 minutes of physical exercise a day that… Read More
Fall is so close, and we will be waving goodbye to Summer very soon. The official first day of the fall season kicks off on September 22nd this year. While some people are excited, others dread what they may have to endure with fall season allergy triggers. Ragweed is the leading cause of fall allergies’… Read More
According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, an estimated 43 million Americans will face vision loss or blindness from age-related eye diseases in 2020. During September, Eyecare Associates celebrates Healthy Aging Month by bringing eye-healthy tips to our patients. We recommend that adults follow these eye health habits: Get a Comprehensive Eye Exam During this… Read More
During these unfamiliar times, it is always best to reflect and appreciate the people that make your world go round. There is a quote by an anonymous person that states, “Showing gratitude is one of the simplest yet most powerful things humans can do for each other”. Eyecare Associates would like to take time to… Read More
What do Tomatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Broccoli, Strawberries, Kiwi Fruit, and Kale all have in common? They are foods high in Vitamin C, which could help ward off cataracts according to a British study. Cataracts are a clouding of the eye’s lens that happens naturally with age. The condition is the leading cause of blindness in… Read More
The blue light from your digital devices may have some effect on you falling asleep and having a quality night’s sleep. You may have experienced trouble falling asleep after staring at your phone or other digital devices right before bedtime. The blue light from your digital devices keeps us up and stimulates us to wake… Read More
Be Eye Smart this Back-to-School Season As kids head back to school this fall via virtual learning or in-person, we want to remind parents about the importance of maintaining healthy vision in helping children achieve educational success. Whether kids are using iPads, laptops, reading books, or viewing whiteboards, ensuring their eyes are functioning and growing… Read More
Keep an Eye on Your Vision Health Eye exams aren’t just about vision. They’re about your health. Prevention Is the Best Treatment Eye exams at every age and life stage can help keep your vision healthy. Without regular eye exams, there is no way to catch glaucoma or age-related macular degeneration for an early diagnosis… Read More
To understand the diseases and conditions that can affect the eye, it helps to understand basic eye anatomy. This week, we would like to give a brief tour of the eye to explain further how it works. The eye captures and focuses light like a camera. Here is a step-by-step explanation of how the eye… Read More