At Eyecare Associates, our expert oculoplastic surgeons combine their ophthalmology training with aesthetic expertise to provide treatments that not only enhance your vision but also your overall appearance and well-being.

What is Oculoplastics?
Oculoplastics is a specialty of ophthalmology that focuses on managing conditions that affect the eyelids, tear system, eye socket, and the facial area around the eye. This field blends the expertise of eye doctors with the skill of cosmetic surgeons to improve how the eyes function and look.
Eye doctors who specialize in this area have extra training that allows them to safely perform delicate surgeries around the eyes. They can help with many eye-related issues, from fixing droopy eyelids and blocked tear ducts to more complicated surgeries after injuries or removing tumors.
Oculoplastics Procedures at Eyecare Associates of New Orleans
At Eyecare Associates, we offer a comprehensive range of oculoplastic procedures to address both functional and cosmetic concerns around the eyes.
Blepharoplasty, often called eyelid surgery, is a procedure that can dramatically improve the appearance of your eyes and, in some cases, enhance your field of vision. Your eyelids can droop or sag as you age, leading to a tired appearance and potentially obstructing vision.
Blepharoplasty addresses these concerns by removing excess skin and sometimes fat from the eyelids.

Upper Blepharoplasty
Upper blepharoplasty focuses on the upper eyelids. This procedure can help improve the heaviness that comes with excess skin and fat in the upper eyelid area.
Many patients find that after upper blepharoplasty, they look more alert and youthful. The procedure can also help improve vision in cases where the upper eyelid skin has begun to hang over the eyelashes, obstructing the line of sight.
During an upper blepharoplasty, an oculoplastic surgeon makes precise incisions along the upper eyelid’s natural crease. Excess skin is removed through these incisions, and a small amount of fat may be redistributed or removed to create a smoother contour.
The result is a more open, refreshed eye appearance.
Lower Blepharoplasty
Lower blepharoplasty addresses issues with the lower eyelids, such as puffiness, bags under the eyes, and excess skin. This procedure can help reduce the appearance of tiredness or aging around the eyes, creating a more rested and youthful look.
In a lower blepharoplasty, incisions are typically made just below the lash line or inside the lower eyelid. Then, excess fat can be removed or redistributed, and excess skin can be tightened or removed.
A lower eyelid blepharoplasty aims to create a smoother, more contoured lower eyelid that blends seamlessly with the cheek.
Ptosis Repair
Ptosis, characterized by a drooping upper eyelid, can affect one or both eyes and may be present from birth or develop later in life. This condition can impact your appearance and interfere with vision if severe enough.
Ptosis repair is a specialized procedure designed to lift the upper eyelid to its proper position. During a ptosis repair procedure, your eye surgeon may tighten the eyelid muscle or attach the eyelid to other muscles that can help lift it.
In some cases, the procedure can be combined with blepharoplasty. Ptosis repair can also help improve vision if the drooping is severe enough to interfere with your visual field.
Eyelid Disorders
The eyelids play a crucial role in protecting your eyes and maintaining eye health. There are many disorders that can affect the eyelids, ranging from benign growths to functional issues that affect proper eyelid movement.
At Eyecare Associates, we diagnose and treat a wide range of eyelid disorders to ensure optimal eye health and comfort.

Eyelid Growths
Eyelid growths are common and can vary from harmless, benign lesions to more serious malignant tumors. One example of a benign growth is Xanthelasma, which appears as yellowish plaques on the eyelids, often near the nose.
While not harmful to vision, many patients choose to have these removed for cosmetic reasons. Other types of growths can include skin tags, cysts, and various types of benign tumors.
Some growths can be malignant, such as basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, or even melanoma. Any new or changing growth on the eyelid should be evaluated by your eye doctor.
Ectropion is a condition where the lower eyelid turns outward, exposing the inner surface of the eyelid. This can lead to eye irritation, excessive tearing, and an increased risk of eye infections.
Treatment for ectropion typically involves surgery to tighten the eyelid and restore its proper position.
Entropion is the opposite of ectropion. In this condition, the eyelid turns inward, causing the eyelashes and skin to rub against the eye surface.
This can lead to significant discomfort, eye irritation, and potential damage to the cornea if left untreated. Like ectropion, entropion often requires surgical correction.
Lagophthalmos is a condition where the eye cannot close completely. This can lead to dry eye symptoms, corneal exposure, and an increased risk of eye infections.
Treatment for lagophthalmos depends on the underlying cause but may include temporary measures like lubricating eye drops and ointments, as well as surgical procedures to help the eyelid close properly.
A chalazion is a painless bump or nodule in the eyelid caused by a blocked oil gland. While often harmless and may resolve on its own, a persistent chalazion can be bothersome and affect appearance.
Initial treatment usually involves warm compresses and gentle massage to help drain the gland. A minor procedure may be necessary to help the eyelid heal for persistent chalazion.
Trichiasis occurs when eyelashes grow inward, toward the eye, instead of outward. This can cause significant discomfort and potentially damage the cornea.
Treatment options include removal of the problematic eyelashes and electrolysis to prevent regrowth.
Lacrimal Disorders

The lacrimal system is responsible for tear production and drainage. When this system is disrupted, it can lead to various uncomfortable and potentially serious conditions.
Obstructed tear ducts, also known as nasolacrimal duct obstruction, can lead to excessive tearing and recurrent eye infections. This condition occurs when the ducts that normally drain tears from the eyes to the nose become blocked.
One complication of obstructed tear ducts is dacryocystitis, an infection of the lacrimal sac. This condition can cause pain, redness, and swelling near the inner corner of the eye and may require immediate medical attention.
Treatment for obstructed tear ducts depends on the cause and severity of the obstruction. At Eyecare Associates, our goal is to restore proper tear drainage, alleviate symptoms, and reduce the risk of infection.
Functional Botox
While many people are familiar with Botox for its cosmetic applications, it also has important functional uses in ophthalmology. At Eyecare Associates, we use Botox injections to treat various eye conditions.
Botox injections can effectively treat various eye conditions, including blepharospasm, hemifacial spasm, and synkinesis, by relaxing muscles and reducing involuntary movements. The use of Botox for these conditions is highly specialized and requires precise injection techniques.
Our oculoplastic surgeons have extensive experience in administering Botox for both cosmetic and functional purposes, ensuring optimal results with minimal side effects.
While less common, tumors of the eye area can occur and require specialized care. These tumors can affect the eyelids, eye sockets, or surrounding structures.
At Eyecare Associates, we have the expertise to diagnose and manage various types of ocular and orbital tumors.
Tumors in the eye area can be benign or malignant. Early detection and treatment of eye area tumors is crucial.
For malignant tumors, our team works closely with oncologists and other specialists to provide comprehensive care.
Eye and eyelid injuries can be both frightening and potentially sight-threatening. At Eyecare Associates, we provide expert care for a wide range of eye injuries.
In cases of eye injury, prompt evaluation and treatment are essential to prevent complications and preserve vision.
Do you want to learn more about oculoplastic services? Schedule an appointment at Eyecare Associates of New Orleans in New Orleans, LA, today!