June Is Men’s Health Month
Posted by: Eyecare Associates of New Orleans in General on June 6, 2023

During June, ‘Celebrated’ is Men’s Health Month, hosted by Men’s Health Network since 1992. It is the perfect time to celebrate Men’s Health Month because we also celebrate Father’s Day on June 18, 2023. This month is about encouraging yourself and the men in your life to take care of their overall health and their eye health.
We want to share a few tips on eye health.
The most common change is the need to hold reading materials farther away from your eyes. This eye change is called presbyopia and usually begins in the late-30s to mid-’40s. Most may need reading glasses or another vision correction strategy to help with presbyopia. If the presbyopia condition is left uncorrected, you may find your eyes tire easily, and you may get headaches.
Health Conditions Related to Eye Changes
Specific vision changes such as blurry vision, blind spots, halos around lights, and tunnel vision can indicate a severe condition. In addition, these symptoms could signify a more serious eye condition, such as cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration, and glaucoma. Those who are diabetic or pre-diabetic need to have annual exams and work with their doctors to control their weight, blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure. Your eye doctor will recommend follow-up exams based on your family history and the eye exam results.
Protect Your Eyes from Accidents
For men in physically demanding positions such as construction, landscaping, or mechanics, it is vital to wear safety glasses and protective eye gear, whether operating power equipment or protection from debris. Also, protect your eyes as you work in your yard, cutting the grass or trimming hedges.
Relieve Dry Eyes
This uncomfortable eye problem becomes more common as you age. If your dry eye is severe, talk with your eye doctor to help preserve your eyes’ natural tears.
Have a Good Night’s Sleep
Healthy, uninterrupted sleep is vital for overall health, including eye health. A good night’s sleep helps the eyes get the moisture and lubrication they need. In addition, research shows that light-sensitive cells in the eye help with the ability to regulate our wake-sleep cycles. Sleep becomes even more critical as we age when more people have problems with insomnia.
We wish all the Dads and Dad role models a Happy Father’s Day! Don’t delay or deny your eye health; be proactive in implementing the tips you learned! We are available when you want to make an appointment for yourself or the male in your life!
Celebrate Men’s Health Month By Sharing and Using These Eye Health Tips!

References: American Academy of Ophthalmology and the American Optometric Association. This blog provides information and discussion about eye health and related subjects. The content provided within this blog and any linked materials are not intended and should not be considered medical advice. If the reader or any person has a medical concern, they should consult with an appropriately licensed physician.