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Having fun at the pool or doing water aerobics this summer can be a great way to cool off from the heat. Chlorine and Saline do a great job keeping the water clean, but they can also be hard on your eyes. Pools Are Tough on the Tear Film Chemicals in pool water wash away… Read More
Summer has finally arrived, and the sun is brightly shining with warm temperatures. It is a perfect time to share sun-smart awareness during UV Safety Awareness Month. Before you enjoy fun in the sun, either on vacation or relaxing in your backyard, here are some Sun Smart UV Safety Tips from the American Academy of… Read More
What Is a Detached Retina? According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, a detached retina is when the retina lifts away from the back of the eye like wallpaper peeling off the wall. What Causes a Detached Retina? Many things can cause a detached retina, and your eye doctor can inform you if you are more… Read More
Whether playing a sport, cleaning the house using chemical agents, doing lawn care, or just opening a bottle of champagne to celebrate a special moment, our eyes are exposed to many daily dangers. The curved shape of the eye protects the eye and can also be the target of trauma. All it takes is a… Read More
Did you know that fireworks cause 2,000 eye injuries every year? According to a study published in JAMA Ophthalmology, during the 19-year study period, fireworks caused more than 34,000 ocular injuries, and the most common injury was an ocular burn. We are on the heels of Memorial Day as the first holiday to start the upcoming summer… Read More
It’s Healthy Vision Month, established by the National Eye Institute in 2003. Our practice agrees to spread awareness to our patients and educate you about the importance of eye health this month and every day of the year. We encourage you to find ways to be healthier, so your vision will last a lifetime. One… Read More
If you have been diagnosed by your eye doctor with a cataract, you are not alone. According to the National Eye Institute, cataracts affect over 24.4 million Americans aged 40 and older. We are here for you to ensure you have the best support for your cataract diagnosis. Here are a few recommendations from the… Read More
Spring has Sprung, which begins the perfect time for sports and outdoor game time. The month of April is National Sports Eye Safety Month, which is a reminder initiated by the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) to raise awareness about preventing sports-related eye injuries. Prevention is the key, and sport-specific eye protection can save your… Read More
This month and year-round, we would like to remind you to prioritize your eye health in 2023 by scheduling your comprehensive eye exam and considering the importance of good eye health. Save Your Vision Month traces its founding to 1927 by American Optometric Association (AOA) members. This month and every month, we proclaim and deliver… Read More
Did you know that there are 37.3 million Americans, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), diagnosed with diabetes, and about 1 in 5 people with diabetes don’t know they have it? Being diagnosed with diabetes could have a connection to your eye health. If the blood sugar is high and uncontrolled, this threat… Read More